Poetry Night
HOSTED BY Rolf Parker-Houghton
From the host: “The Poetry Reading has three parts:
First, we take turns reading poems that we love that are written by poets other than ourselves. We have a tradition that the first person that night to recite a poem from memory gets a free lottery ticket.
Next, we write together for 15 minutes using prompts called out by the audience. If a person likes their first draft they can read their new poem aloud. These are new poems, and they are welcomed like newborns.
After a 15 minute break of drinks and snacks, we move on to the open reading where every person gets to read one of their own poems.
We are developing a little writing community and everyone is welcome to join us.”
When: Every third Thursday of each month, 6:00 pm
Where: The Drawing Studio, at 28 Williams Street, Brattleboro VT
Who: Run by Rolf Parker-Houghton, friend of The Drawing Studio. Rolf and his wife Cynthia are founders of the “University of Brattleboro,” the oldest non-existent university in the world.
Cost: Free and by donation